Dear blog friends,
here I am again, finally on the way to the origin of the cigars.
After the five weeks last year in the Dominican Republic I already terribly missed the tobacco fields and the smell of the cigar factories.
I am on my way to Danlí, Honduras to meet Maya Selva and her team.
Maya and her staff are going to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her company Flor de Selva Cigars. I am looking forward to it!
My trip started out from wintery and foggy Vienna, changed planes in Frankfurt and then, after a 13 hour flight, one night and half a morning in Panama. I want to go there again! I have seen too little! A breathtaking skyline with the highest skyscrapers in Latin America and in contrast to this a large and beautifully renovated old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I only saw the canal from above, but it looks great when hundreds of ships approach this eye of a needle.

See you tomorrow from the tobacco fields in Danlí.
